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Data Science and Data Analytics

We use data to unlock your business’s potential.

Your business's data is more telling than you think.

As engineers, we have been developing data-driven solutions for almost four decades and understand how to assess a business’s key data to provide analytics and operational insights to leadership teams.

Numbers are key

In an era where number awareness is more important than ever, companies have lost the ability to access accurate data, reporting and analytics retrieved from the various SaaS platforms they use to run their businesses.

The challenge

With increasing pressures of doing more work with fewer resources, data accuracy and quality take the first hit, making it increasingly difficult to assess the strategic impact of operational changes.

Our methodology

We design methods to remove technological and informational barriers to empower business operators and meet them where they are most comfortable. We believe that analytics systems should be easy to operate by those who are running a business.

What makes us different from other agencies?

We implement an Enterprise Service Bus model to connect systems that do not otherwise communicate.

This enables us to execute a message-oriented approach to sharing data among systems resulting in the ability to accurately report on the business in a timely manner.

For clients who are using paper-based systems, excel spreadsheets or lack a clear process model, we specialize in identifying gaps and creating reporting systems that can be implemented today, but also grow with the company into more robust and standardized processes and reporting in the future.

We focus on the ‘how’ so our clients can focus on the ‘what.’

At Sona Data Systems, we focus on creating impactful insights quickly — usually in less than a quarter — using your existing data. We meet our clients where they are with their data and provide Data Science and Data Analytics as a service by taking the data from existing workflows and processes and mapping it to the required output defined by leadership to run the business effectively. Our mission is to empower and inform our clients, so they can do what they do…just more effectively.

We don't force our clients to change the things that made them successful.

We don't force the business to adopt new technologies and processes ahead of the organization's ability to realize the benefits of the technology.

We recognize that technologies and data work for the business, not the other way around.

Data science in action

Our company suffered from a claims backlog of $8.4 million. Our data ingestion team cleared out backlog in two months and reduced our payroll from $525K per year to $60K per year.

First name, last name Company

We find the gaps in your operation so you can scale.